Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Guillaume Carion

Avocat associé
  • Email: carion.guillaume@avo4.be

Domaines de compétence



Carrière professionnelle

Carrière professionnelle

Séminaires dispensés

corruption et le droit de la concurrence
Séminaire en entreprise sur la corruption et le droit de la concurrence (conjointement avec Me Xavier Ibarrondo)


Rédaction de sommaires et résumés de décisions jurisprudentielles

Pour la Revue de Droit Commercial, en collaboration avec Me Ilse Van de Mierop

My Soft & Hard Skills

Just as a retail business in real life is remembered not just for its product offerings but also because of its services, support, and customer-friendliness, an app that offers a helpful customer support system for its valued users enjoy more traction and engagement than other apps. Great brands all over the globe enjoy appreciation and popularity because of their customer-friendly support and services.

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